We Create Resources

Curriculum and resource development

WA partnership have long experience in the design and development of a wide range of learning resources including training material, for teachers, students and adults in the community.

Using a range of different formats and media we have developed materials for:

  • Personal Finance education for schools and adult education
  • Consumer skills and knowledge training for young people and adults
  • Exploring Consumer and Citizenship issues in the classroom
  • Preparing consumers to take on Representation roles in the community in the UK and Europe wide
  • Preparing volunteers to work in schools

WA partnership also has considerable experience in the assessment of resources and training services and has detailed knowledge of a number of markets and their needs. We also have access to extensive networks of practitioners in a range of fields. We have been asked to use our educational and consumer expertise in the writing of resources produced by a number of organisations.

Here are some examples of the range of resources to which the WA partnership team has contributed to in whole or in part as authors, co-writers or consultants.

5 Big Questions: Values based financial education for Lifesavers programme

Stop Loan Sharks for: England Illegal Money Lending Team

What Money Means in Primary Schools. Read more…


Stronger Voice. Read more…


British Humanist Association school volunteers. Read more…