Curriculum and Resource Development

Curriculum and resource development

WA partnership have long experience in the design and development of a wide range of learning resources including training material, for teachers, students and adults in the community.

Using a range of different formats and media we have developed materials for:

  • Personal Finance education for schools and adult education
  • Consumer skills and knowledge training for young people and adults
  • Exploring Consumer and Citizenship issues in the classroom

WA partnership also has considerable experience in the assessment of resources and training services and has detailed knowledge of a number of markets and their needs. We also have access to extensive networks of practitioners in a range of fields. We have been asked to use our educational and consumer expertise in the writing of resources produced by a number of organisations.

Here are some examples of the range of resources to which the WA partnership team has contributed to in whole or in part as authors, co-writers or consultants.


LifeSavers is a unique programme for primary schools offering a whole school approach that provides:

  • Resources and training for teachers to embed financial education into the school curriculum
  • Support for school savings clubs to give children a practical experience of handling money
  • A whole community approach that involves parents, credit unions and others in helping children learn about money

WA partnership have played a key role in the development of the values based curriculum resources (5 Big Questions) having been commissioned by Young Money and project partners. WA also played a key role in the pilot project and continue to provide a support role to schools in some of the regions.

This is an exciting and important project and combining these elements enables meaningful classroom learning to be put into practice through participation in a savings club, with the active support of parents and other community organisations.

Stop Loan Sharks: For the England Illegal Money Lending Team

WA partnership were asked to develop resources for primary and secondary schools to support the work the team was doing in communities to alert people to the dangers of borrowing via loan sharks. This proved a very popular resource and has recently been accredited again with the Financial Education Quality Mark.

What Money Means in primary schools.

The charity pfeg (personal finance education group) now Young Money – asked WA to facilitate What Money Means and as a result we were closely involved in the production of the final outputs from the project at every stage resulting in the production of DVD. hard copy and downloadable resources to support primary schools to deliver financial education.

Switched On

WA partnership were asked, by Ofgem, the regulator for the gas and electricity markets, to develop, market and deliver an educational resource for Secondary Schools in England, Scotland and Wales.

Your Money and Your Life

Produced with DebtCred is a national charity partnered with Credit Action to develop a student resource pack on personal finance for use in secondary schools.

Net Benefit

Developed with the Institute for Citizenship and the Patent Office with the support of the National Consumer Council. Members of the WA partnership team developed and authored the key consumer elements of the resource, while providing a brief for the resource structure for the creative team.

Consuming Passions

Members of the WA partnership team authored this resource with the Institute for Citizenship. This is a hard copy resource dealing with consumer rights and responsibilities issues.