Strategic thinking…

Strategic thinking…

Research and policy development Whatever the project it often demands some initial research or policy re-think to ensure you are on the right track. WA partnership have undertaken research  for a range of organisations, specifically in the field of consumer education...

Stronger Voice gets stronger

A Stronger Voice for Consumers in the UK and beyond… WA were asked by Consumer Focus to review and redevelop their existing Stronger Voice Training Pack. Stronger Voice provides training for consumer, user and community representatives...
A Stronger Voice

A Stronger Voice

Stronger Voice effective representation and 
consumer involvement   Who needs 
Stronger Voice? More and more, organisations want to hear the consumer voice. Health service providers, government departments, professional bodies, housing providers and local...
Money Matters

Money Matters

Developing financial capability Never has it been so important to ensure that future generations are confident and capable of managing their financial affairs in an increasingly complex economy. WA partnership has extensive experience in the field of financial...

WA client wins prestigious award

Charity Times Award 2012 for WA client WA partnership are delighted that pfeg with HSBC has won a prestigious Charity Times award for best corporate partnership for its five-year What Money Means partnership to deliver personal finance education in primary schools...