A volunteering programme to up-skill members to take the humanist message into schools.

The British Humanist Association asked WA to develop for them a volunteer programme so that their members can be encouraged to contribute in primary and secondary schools by increasing the level of awareness and understanding about humanism and humanist belief.

Our role in the project is to bring our expertise to BHA and to support them to develop a programme that will  increase the level of volunteering and ensure that all volunteers are confident and competent to carry the messages about humanism to the classroom in a creative and engaging way and in a manner that adds value to the taught curriculum.

To meet their expressed needs we are producing for the BHA a volunteer training programme/pack which includes:

  • Activities and information about what primary and secondary schools are like, the organisation of the curriculum and how teachers plan
  • Activities and information that will enable volunteers to see clearly where consideration of humanism can fit into the curriculum and can add value.
  • Strategies and approaches for enabling volunteers to think about how they can work with teachers, children and young people.
  • Suggestions for schools and for volunteers on building effective partnerships.
  • Helpful documentation to assist in planning and evaluating the volunteering experience.

We will also be providing support to deliver and evaluate the pilot training courses in January and February 2013 before they roll out the programme more widely.